Pensole Design Academy


During the Pensole Design Academy Design Intensive I was tasked with re-branding the Designer Shoe Warehouse (DSW) line Mix no. 6. I spent the following 9 weeks developing the new brand 6ix from the ground up with my collaborator Ndeyfatou Ceesay. We each developed our own consumer, three brand ethos and 3 occasions which inform our shoe designs. The following is my portion of our work, please find her on Instagram @ndeyfatouceesay for her portion and please contact me with any questions.

DSW Presentation (1).png
DSW Presentation (2).png
DSW Presentation (3).png
DSW Presentation (4).png
DSW Presentation (5).png
DSW Presentation (18).png
DSW Presentation (6).png
DSW Presentation (7).png
DSW Presentation (8).png
DSW Presentation (9).png
DSW Presentation (10).png
DSW Presentation (11).png
DSW Presentation (12).png
DSW Presentation (13).png
DSW Presentation (14).png
DSW Presentation (16).png
DSW Presentation (17).png